Protect Your Privacy

Spencer Coursen
5 min readNov 30, 2015


Online holiday shopping is already 14% higher than last year. Internet sales are expected to reach a record $3 billion for the first time ever. Despite online sales being 50% higher than last year’s $2 Billion record, 54% of Americans still think it’s too difficult to protect their online privacy.

Americans as a whole aren’t doing much to protect themselves, even though it is much easier to reduce online vulnerability than many might think.

Despite popular opinion, it’s not just the big corporations being affected. Hackers are targeting everyday users with daily “phishing” lures hoping to ransom critical files for profit or to exploit web-enabled devices like this baby monitor with nefarious intent.

At present, there is no reliable count as to how many hacks take place each year, but a recent study shows that phishing and hacking scams make up 70% of all cyber attacks.

Following these ten tips will help to ensure your online privacy:

1. Hacking Happens More Than You Know

The likelihood of someone trying to hack your information is much greater than someone trying to break into your home. So long as valuable data remains unsecured or poorly protected, there will always be those who are willing to take advantage of inherent weakness for personal gain. Hacking is a multi-billion dollar a year business. Protect yourself accordingly.

2. Use Strong Passwords

It can literally take a computer program less than a second to break a common 8 character password. A strong password should combine capital and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols. Each account should have it’s own unique password. For those who have many different accounts, using a passphrase where a unique sequence remains constant while a particular aspect changes with each account is a recommended reminder.

Try to avoid using words found in the dictionary. Instead, modify words you can easily remember and spell them using symbols and numbers whenever possible.Example: Baseball = B@seB*1!

It’s best if passwords are changed every 90 days and immediately after ending any personal or professional relationship. Don’t want to be bothered with remembering them all? Password managers help keep your passwords strong, ever-changing, and well-protected.

3. Update Software and Security Settings Often.

Most of the updates that come across your screen are related to security enhancements that reduce vulnerability. Whenever a compromised piece of code is identified, hackers only have a limited amount of time to exploit that vulnerability before the software update takes effect. Updating software as soon as it becomes available closes the window of opportunity for the hacker to do harm. When you see that a software update is available, always choose Yes!

4. Beware of Phishing

Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. These communications always masquerade as coming from a trustworthy contact. A popular phishing exploit is the one involving the Nigerian Prince who is in desperate need of your help. Educate yourself on current phishing schemes and protect yourself accordingly.

5. When In Doubt, Throw It Out.

Pay particular attention to the validity of unsolicited emails from your bank, credit card, and utility companies prompting you to provide personal information like your username, password, or social security number.

Most malware is delivered in the form of downloads, links, and fake profiles. If it looks suspicious, don’t take any chances and delete it immediately. If an email from your bank says to call them, check to make sure the number they provide is the same as the number on the back of your check card.

Before you click on any link, hover the cursor over the hyperlink to reveal the true address destination. Always check the address bar for a known and trusted address like “” and not something like “” before clicking.

6. Enhance Your Privacy Settings

The privacy settings on desktop computers, mobile devices, and social media applications gives you near total control over who can view your information. Always assume that somewhere in your network is a weak link. You may have the best security settings possible, but if you send something to a friend who’s network gets hacked, then whatever you sent them just became vulnerable. Take a few minutes right now to update your settings, turn off geo-locators, and take control of your online experience in a positive way.

7. Keep Confidential, Important, and Sensitive Data Separate

In addition to being a best practice for regularly backing up your computer, it is also recommended to keep photos and other private files on an password-protected external hard drive that is not connected to the internet.

These devices are lightweight, mobile, and small enough to travel with you. They will help keep your private files compartmentalized and protected from an unexpected breach to your network.

8. Protect Your Online Browsing Habits From Being Tracked or Monitored

TOR is a free software that provides access to a network of anonymous proxy servers. Originally intended to help journalists, spies, and students communicate in regions of online censorship, it is now used by many to help ensure their browsing habits remain anonymous.

9. Enhance Your Infrastructure Settings

Regularly running virus scans on your computer and updating the security features of your wireless router are extremely important. This is especially the case if you have had your wireless router for a few years and find yourself still using WEP encryption. Standard WEP is easily cracked within minutes and does nothing more than provide a false sense of security. Unfortunately, many people set their wireless routers up years ago and have never bothered to change their wireless encryption from WEP to the newer and stronger WPA2 security.

DO NOT use the default password posted on the bottom of the router as many are available via Google.

10. Exercise Caution With Free WiFi Hotspots.

WiFi hotspots are intended to help retailers enhance the customer experience and provide a valued public service in times of need. During Hurricane Sandy, the free wifi at Starbucks was applauded for helping thousands of New Yorkers keep in touch with loved ones. Free WiFi hotspots are great for general browsing, double checking directions, or looking up local movie times, but since they offer very low security precautions it is best to never use them for banking, online shopping, or any other login/password protected sites.


Being aware of the realistic risks you are most likely to face and taking the necessary preparations to protect yourself is the best defense against those who wish to do harm.

Awareness + Preparation = Safety

This article first appeared here on LinkedIn via Spencer Coursen.


Spencer Coursen is the President of Coursen Security Group. He is an expert security advisor, threat assessment consultant, and protective strategist who is dedicated to reducing risk and preventing violence. His systems and strategies help corporations, non-profit organizations, schools, and at-risk public figures ensure the certainty of safety for all involved.

@SpencerCoursen / @CoursenSecurity



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